Sunday 7 August 2011

Moving to London when Work Calls

Your moving to London was required by your company. Things will be different now, you are here in London not to enjoy the city but to work therefore, sightseeing can be done during the weekends. Since your work is the reason why you are here in the city, you might not need much adjustment in your work for you are still working on the same culture that you had left. It will different though if you are to be working with a British company and you have to adapt to the changes.

Work here in London starts at 9 am and ends at 5 pm, when we say 5 pm, that is 5 m on the dot and no less. It is normal for the British to have a pint of beer during your lunch break. Actually some do this on a weekly basis and they allow you to be a bit tipsy when you return from work and that happens on Fridays.

English employers will give you 25 days paid vacation leave annually unlimited sick leave provided that you will have to show them your doctor's letter that is if you were to be resting for more than five days. It seems like your moving to London is the best thing that you have done. Well, you are right in there but as I had said before, this will required adjustment on your part. The people here in the city works very hard and you have to do the same but this is compensated with playing very hard as well.

By the way, the weather here in London is like a lady that keeps on changing her mind so is the weather here. The only thing to solve the problem is to always bring an umbrella with you and a light coat tucked in your bag every time the temperature changes.


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